Becoming a skateboarder means different things to different people. It opens doors to new friends and styles, and it fills a void in your life you didn’t know was there. Skating made me who I am...
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How To Build A Skateboard When I first started skateboarding, the only thing I knew was that I knew nothing about it — It just looked like fun. So, I bought my first complete board in pieces,...
Full Name: Colt Cannon From: Los Altos Hills, California Interviewed By: Jesse Silva Colt Cannon was one of the biggest names in skateboarding in the early 00's. Colt had amazing...
Cole Wilson stumbled out of his favorite local Louisville bar right into the Turn Yeto party bus, never taking a minute to sober up or look back. Since the Foundation team kidnapped Cole two years...
Skateboards get dirty. Pushing your board around the street and sliding on random objects means you are tracking around road funk everywhere you go. And, while it’s useless to worry about the filth...
Size is a great factor for skateboard wheels. The skateboard wheels are the right part of your skateboard that enables you to move and helps regulate how fast you can go. But it is also crucial to...