Learning how to do a kickflip on a skateboard for beginners is tough. There are many things you have to learn before you can flip your board, and flipping the skateboard is only part of the trick. If...
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When I first stepped on a skateboard, I wanted so badly to ollie that I tried continuously for weeks. I situated my wheels in a crack in the sidewalk so that they wouldn’t roll, and I smacked my...
“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams.” — Willy Wonka There is bailing, and then there is bailing before even trying the trick. Everyone who has ever tried to flip a...
Having a skateboard is not enough to make the most out of your sports equipment and to have a flawless ride. You need to have the best skateboard grip tape along with it. When talking about pro...
Skateboard helmets are a must for your safety and buying the best of them can be tricky. Many models and producers of skateboarding helmets suit different buyers’ needs. But what counts is getting...
Skating is one of the most popular sports in the World and it's enjoyed at all ages by all kinds of people. However, having the right gear is really important, not only for your safety, but also so...